Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wedding post-mortem

Wedding stuff is over. I made it through, but left my flask in my tuxedo pocket. DRAG.

Election in 26 days. I've set a goal for myself to be 5 pounds lighter than I am now at that time. So, 157.

Losing weight still. Even after all the festivities of the last 5 days, I still managed to lose 1 1/2 pounds over 14 days. Which I should be happy about, but right now I'm going to stay very faithful to diet and exercise to reach my next goal.

2nd long-term goal, to lose 60 pounds overall, should be achieved by Oct. 18. 

BTW, on that day, Oct. 18, I will have been dieting for 11 months. 60 pounds, 11 months = 5.45 pounds per month or about .18 pounds a day or 2.88 ounces per day. That's a deficit of 630 calories a day below maintenance level of caloric intake.

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