Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"Be careful when you walk to work"

Hi. I'm Kevin. And I walk to work everyday.

No, it's not far, but I do walk through Cap Hill. Which makes things interesting.

As a starting point, I walk about 1.8 miles to and from work. That's 3.6 miles. I figure I take a detour 3 or 4 times a week. That's another .4 of a mile a day. So I like to round it up to 4.

I walk for a few reasons. I'm on a constant diet because I have self-image issues. I was an environmental studies major in college, so I hug trees. But mostly, I hate paying the Denver parking barons. Really, I'm not going to pay on the low end $5 a day and on the high end $15. That's just too rich for my blood. So they can keep their spaces. I don't need them.

I do have a car, which I use to do my job mostly.

I don't have a girlfriend (again, self-image).

And oh yeah: I smoke. Which makes things fun.

Here's what my walk everyday looks like.

I'm hoping to post a few times a week. When something interesting happens, you'll hear about it. If it doesn't, you won't. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Brendan said...

"Yeah!" says the earth. Good for you, Kevin. It's so pointless to drive 15 blocks to a parking lot you can afford, pay $5, and then walk another 7 blocks to work.