Thursday, January 8, 2009

No ciggies, and more weight loss

It's been too long since I've written a blog. I guess writing every day for a living will do that to you.

Weight loss is picking back up again, although I did not make my previously stated goal of being at 3rd goal by Jan. 1. I am still five pounds away from that goal, and it's obviously about a week since New Year's Day.

I've now lost twelve pounds since I took my new job. In about 4 months, so that's progress, I suppose.

I'm more proud that I've been able to keep the weight off. I've been running again, trying to every day, and still watching what I eat. I haven't regained any of the weight and feel the most healthy that I've ever been, even since I was 8 or 9 years old.

I also quit smoking. Been cigarette free for one week, now. If I can make it to six months, I'll know I've kicked the habit forever.

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