Friday, May 9, 2008

Kelly Clarkson doesn't even scare them off

It's been an uneventful two weeks on the way to work, besides the occasional chunks of what looked like pink lemonade vomit between Colfax and 14th on Broadway.

I wear my headphones on the way to and from work everyday. Yes, I look like a nerd. And for some strange reason, everyone who walks by me can hear exactly what I'm listening to.

Which means no more guilty-pleasure Kelly Clarkson. I mourn the loss.

Everyday, I walk by the Network Ministries building on Pearl and 14th. It's notable because it's where most of the transients I see on a daily basis hang out. They smoke cigarettes on the steps and talk mad garbage to most people who walk by. Good for them. I keep my head down. I've had my fair share of them follow me for a block or two, begging for a cigarette.

The photo above must have been taken while everyone was still asleep. Or drunk. I've never walked by and seen no one on those steps.

The search for interesting things on my walks continues.

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